The Eyes Have It
Sunday, September 2, 2018
Summer 2018
So when the summer break comes, I check out. I need to. I need a serious recharge.
This was the first summer in my entire 13-year teaching career I was not working summer school or some other summer job. While summer break is an awesome opportunity to shift gears, the reality is also 12 weeks of no additional paychecks so working has always been a means of survival. But this led me to a place where I did not work and I will say- BEST SUMMER BREAK EVER.
Living organically and authentically means one allows life to evolve in whatever direction it is meant to follow. In years past, I generally had a good sense as to how my summer was going to look by end of March but not this year. This summer was evolving into something better.
I had a wonderful opportunity to join a friend sailing. We were originally planning to meet in Turkey and sail down to Greece but as we got closer to the summer, plans were switched to Croatia. I used to live in northern Italy (Udine region) so I knew the area was super pretty but the last time I was there, Croatia was in the midst of a war for independence. I was not sure what I would experience but I was up for it.
I was surprised by 2 things...not only how unbelievably beautiful the landscape was but the people as well. I ended up spending 3 weeks falling in love with the people, food, culture, music, and patriotism. It was better than I could have ever imagined and I found new experiences daily that took my breath away.
A new focus
But as life continues to evolve for me, I find myself broadening my interests, taking on more challenges and reaping BIG rewards. I live a GRAND life, one full of adventure, creativity and perspective and I have decided to use this blog as a means to share this crazy and fun adventure I am on. For those who follow along, you get to share with me. This is my creative outlet for the wonderfully inspired journey I am on.
Saturday, March 28, 2015
Yearly check...check!
8 months ago, I set up a dermatologist appt for my yearly check skin check and I will admit it- it has been more like 5 years. (Hanging my head in shame- I know, I know)
It wasn't that I was scared of was more about NOT being afraid. Melanoma is something I live with everyday but since the primary care I receive focuses on my eye care, I ignore the other parts of me.
One of the first things that impressed me about my dermatologist. ..he asked right away "Do you see a dentist who looks into your mouth often? Does your hairdresser check your head? See an OB yearly? Notice any darkening places around your nail beds?" Oh my gosh...he gets it!! We quickly discussed all the other areas of our body that rarely sees the sun where melanoma can be found...this doctor was on the ball before I even needed to say anything!
So the skin check was easy...he pointed out spots, lumps and bumps...described their melanoma risk level and what to watch for. Since I have very few actual moles, I have a low risk for melanoma overall but considering my family connection (my uncle passed away from melanoma) and my own personal history with ocular melanoma, we are still watching some spots.
I was asked if there was anything I was bothered by and there was. On my right shoulder, right next to my neck, ever since I was a young child, I have had 2 moles I nicknamed my "vampire bite". I have two more on my upper chest and as I have aged, all 4 grew in size, changed to a lighter shade of brown and became fleshy (was told this is normal) but then one changed in a way I didn't like. It changed back flat, darker and irregular shaped. It bothered me enough I asked it to be looked at. The doctor suggested removing it considering my history so that is just what we did.
It was the first biopsy I have ever had but I wasn't concerned at with the process. It was painless and simple.
The hardest part was looking in the mirror and mourning the loss of my "vampire bite" I actually loved it there. But as a fitness instructor, it was in a place on my shoulder that rubbed up against my sports bra and was often irritated so I am just thankful to have one less thing to worry about.
And appt for next year is already made :)
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
Taking on the big town!
Sydney and I ventured a trip to Washington a couple weeks ago...and by venture, what I really mean is, we took the city by storm.
Sydney is my little sidekick. The cuter counterpart who loves to travel and take on new adventures as much as I do...if not more... so when I suggested "Let's take a trip to Washinton, DC and attend Hill Day with Melanoma Research Foundation", of course she said, " Why not..sounds like fun!"
So, emails sent, hotel and bus tickets book..a plan was enacted. Hours later, we arrived in DC and one of my favorite places to be is in a train station. Union Station is no different. I have no idea why I love train stations so much but I have yet to be in one I dislike. Maybe it stems back to my 16 year old self, riding trains through Europe or the idea of just going somewhere's nestalgic.
And surprisingly so...DC, although it has many homeless, it feels safe. And clean. Even at 10pm.
Tourist moments aside, we were there on an agenda. To learn how to best advocate for more funding and focus upon melanoma research. We listened and learned about the judicial system, how laws become laws and get passed, how to speak ro our state legislative members & how to best be heard. We became empowered in our voice.
But the most important part for Sydney and I was connecting with Melanoma warriors and supporters in all sizes, shapes, ages and experiences. We were amongst giants. We were amongst people individually making small efforts but collectively, making a big difference. Most of all, as a mom, I watched a light ignite in Sydney. It wasn't long before Sydney had a 2 year old melanoma patient on her lap, snapping selfies. ( he is currently under chemotherapy treatment- one would never know) We met Mason and Graham, Isaac and others...they all mattered.
We also met Suzanne, who in her own right, has an amazing story. She is a stage 4 survivor- 6 years ago, had a mole removed from her hip with 5 years NED. Then a scan revealed tumors on her liver and lungs. They were removed or treated but after she collapsed at work, they discovered brain tumors. So 4 weeks before meeting her in DC, Suzanne had brain surgery. I was impressed by her calmness as she shared her story. I was awed at her beauty. She reminded me why this is such an important mission. She was alive because of current research and drug therapies. I am alive because I had a doctor willing to try something brand new, a treatment never attempted before. She and I were living proof we needed to keep getting the word out about melanoma awareness, research and press forward so others had equal access to good healthcare, treatment options and the best outcome possible!
So off we went to the Capital on a BEAUTIFUL spring day. It was marvelous. The various offices we visited were receptive and willing to listen as we shared our stories, shared current melanoma materials and took a moment to just enjoy this time. was a life changing moment for Sydney and I. We will do it again. We made new friends. We grew deeper in appreciation for melanoma warriors. We felt confident in the suppprt we received from Melanoma Research Foundation.
Next year, we will do it again!
In the meantime, Sydney has now started her own blog. The girl continues to amaze me.
Sunday, March 22, 2015
A new start
Well, they did. I was invited to share my blog with Melanoma Research foundation, invited to write about my experience on, connected with countless patients, parents, friends and loved ones who shared their cancer experiences.
Then something strange happened. I wanted the attention to stop. I was embarrassed to share my story- I felt exposed, vulnerable- like I was self indulging and self serving which was exactly opposite to what I had hoped to accomplish. I was embarrassed as I recognized my story was strangely unique. I lived. I never went through chemotherapy. My cancer was contained, treated and I have been NED for nearly 10 years. I was never "sick"- tired but if you know me...I recovered and was back to life in 3 weeks. How dare I feel I have a voice...I didn't feel entitled to be a "warrior"- there wasn't this warrior fight. I was diagnosed, treated, moved on...
Guilt. I felt guilt. Immense guilt.
Last summer, I sat on my dad's porch and shared with him my experience. My dad has been my number one support and counselor so after almost a year of these feelings, I needed to share with someone who I trusted. And finally expressing it helped me put into words I couldn't find for the emotions I was feeling...Survivor's guilt. what. I have talked with other cancer patients and sure enough~ This is normal. I breathed a sigh of relief as I discovered they almost all felt it at one point or another. It is just a part of the journey. It was the part of the journey I was not prepared for so it took me over a year to understand but now that I understand it, it is time to bring about new focus.
Sunday, June 2, 2013
Reflections of the heart

So many survivors know and clearly remember that moment when bravery has been used up and all levels of emotion rise to the surface like high tide. No matter where you turn, you can't hold it in anymore and the flood gates are opened. I always put on a brave face for my children and my friends but secretly, I had never been so scared and so overwhelmed in my life before.
I once had a friend play a practical joke on me at night. I had run over to my apartment quickly and as I was running back to a friend's place, he stood in the pitch dark car port and waited for me to appear. He then started this low growl which increased in loudness and intensity as he slowly approached me. I had no idea what the sound was nor could I tell where it came from. My first instinct was to curl up in a ball as my heart started racing a mile a minute and I stopped breathing. Previous to cancer, this was the nearest I had ever gotten to being scared out of my mind. Now, as I sat on my porch, my instinct was to curl up in a ball and stop breathing. My world was spinning and I had no idea what was coming next.

Last weekend, I was lucky enough to drive to Corolla, NC to be a part of an unofficial Latter-day Saints singles weekend in the Outer Banks. I love the Outer truly is my oasis. There I met 25 brand new friends and we spent the weekend learning about and appreciating one another. We all had gifts, talents and stories to share and it amazed me how we bonded so fast although we all came different walks of life.

Caregivers of those with cancer are SO vitally important to their healing process. Equally important are the angel friends who come hold our hand, send us texts and emails of love, advocate for our care and love us unconditionally through our pain and fear.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Standing among giants!
I have just returned from a weekend of spoiled and blissful treatment while attending the 1st annual Volunteer summit for the Melanoma Research Foundation held in Washington, DC. Yes, Washington, DC. I LOVE Washington, DC and I love to travel so I jumped at the opportunity I had to get away from my world in NY. I was most interested in learning about Mile For Melanoma, a fundraising program as part the MRF Foundation, so despite tons of doubting self talk going on inside my head, I hopped on the train and off I went.
So after settling into my luxury hotel room (ok, clearly...anything that entails matching sheets, folded towels and warmth is luxury in my world), I blissfully slept and was ready for what my weekend would bring.
As soon as I walked to the elevator and met 2 conference attendees, I immediately knew all those self doubting thoughts in my head were wrong...this was where I belonged. Not only was I now putting faces to the email names, I recognized I was sitting among giants. I was sitting among cancer brothers and sisters. I was sitting among my own kind. People just like me who live with cancer, people who know what it feels like to be a warrior and a survivor. I sat among beautiful battle scars, stories of life and death, brave choices and encouragement. As each person introduced him or herself didn't matter if we were from Los Angeles, CA or Kennebunkport, ME...we all were connected. We all had been touched by the ugly monster called Melanoma. We instantly became soul mates.
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Steve Silverstein (MRF chairman of the board), Mary Mendoza (MRF national director of volunteer services), myself and Tim Turnham (MRF executive director) |
Tim Turnham, Executive Director of MRF hared a brief history as to where MRF started:
Melanoma is the fastest growing cancer in the United States and worldwide.
- You will have approximately a 1 in 50 chance of developing melanoma throughout your lifetime.
- The incidence of people under 30 developing melanoma is increasing faster than any other demographic group, soaring by 50 percent in young women since 1980.
- Melanoma primarily affects individuals in the prime years of life, is the most common form of cancer for young adults 25-29 years old and the second most common cancer in adolescents and young adults 15-29 years old.
- Although melanoma is most common in Caucasians, melanoma can strike men and women of all ages, all races and all skin types. In fact, did you know Bob Marley died from malignant melanoma???
Fast forward 30 years. I was 33 when I was diagnosed with Choroidal Melanoma, a rare ocular melanoma. When I heard the word "melanoma", I heard death. Cancer had taken every member of father's family I knew but this was the first time that there was a commonality of cancers in our family history. For this very reason it sucked the air out of my lungs. I only knew death associated with melanoma.
Through my interactions with other summit attendees, I connected with their stories. I knew their heartache from both sides- both as a family member of someone who had died from melanoma but also as a patient recently diagnosed. My gift now is that although I faced death head on, I am also right on the edge of life, love, hope, joy and promise. There exists opposition in all too is my cancer. My uncle died of melanoma. I am living with melanoma. God has provided me with the tools and support necessary to tell my story. This is why I am alive.
As the teacher was being schooled, my heart started opening to possibilities. The motto for the weekend became "Think REALLY BIG and then think really small". I personally have a goal to partner up with my local triathlon club and develop a MRF triathlon. This would be a HUGE undertaking but again...Think REALLY BIG matters and I can certainly start by thinking really small.